Interested in finding out how to campaign against mass murder, rape & pillage in Darfur. Want to help prevent the reoccurrence of genocide elsewhere?

Aegis Students warmly invites you to attend its annual summer conference, taking place at the University of Derby on September 17th 2007.

Aegis Students is an exciting student movement that aims to raise awareness of genocide, and to campaign against it, supporting the campaigns of Aegis Trust – the UK’s independent genocide prevention organisation. Over the past two years the movement has expanded rapidly into many universities across the UK and is set for further expansion in the coming years but we need you to join us.

Our conference aims to inform, equip and motivate students to campaign against genocide. There is no charge to attend. There are 3 workshop sessions in the day, designed to assist you in setting up an Aegis Society and effectively campaigning against genocide. The later afternoon session will see the annual elections of the new Aegis Students Executive Committee (see the main Aegis Students group profile for details on applying to be part of the new National Executive Committee).

11:00 – Welcome – Aegis Students Chair, Sam Boarer

11:15 – Key note speech – Chair of Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and Co-founder of Aegis Trust, Dr Stephen Smith MBE.

11:35 – FILM: Aegis film

11:40 – Update on Aegis Trust activities

11:55 – WORKSHOP (choice):

ROOM 2005: Campaigning and Divestment
1) Nick Donovan, Head of Aegis Trust Policy and research – Aegis Trust Campaigns (CHAIR)
2) Victoria Pearce, Darfur Divestment UK – Divestment
3) Adam McNicholas, NUS – NUS support and Divestment
4) Richard Newell, Aegis Students Campaigns Officer – Student Campaigns

ROOM 2006: Building your Aegis Society
1) Jonathan Bower, National Coordinator – Setting up Aegis Societies (CHAIR)
2) David Brown, Head of Aegis Trust Media – Using the media
3) Annie Bethell, VP Student Activities (Derby) 2006/7 – Working with your Student Union
4) Nikki Levitan, Aegis Trust Outreach Officer – Awareness and Education

13:00 – Lunch – Please be back in the conference venue
for 13:45

13:55 – WORKSHOP:

ROOM 2006: Lobbying and Advocacy and Fundraising
1) Vikram Baicher, Nottingham Aegis Society President –Aegis Students Lobbying (CHAIR)
2) MP – (name tbc)
3) (Name tbc) Lobbying your MP
4) Andrew Hale, Aegis Students Webmaster – Fundraising

15:00 – Presentations of manifestoes from candidates for the new Aegis Students Executive Committee and questions

Chair – 10 minutes
Campaigns Officer – 10 minutes
Secretary – 5 minutes
Treasurer – 5 minutes
Webmaster – 5 minutes
Fundraising Officer – 5 minutes
Media Officer – 5 minutes

16:00 – Introductions from National and Regional Coordinators

National, Jonathan Bower – 14 minutes
Midlands, Annie Bethell – 2 minutes
North, Warwick Norris – 2 minutes
South, Sam Mukherjee – 2 minutes

16:20 – Feedback session

16:40 – Film or leave conference

Room 2005: FILM – The Devil Came on Horseback
(Brian Steidles Darfur documentary – TBC)

There is a bus service which will transport you from the train station to the campus (10 mins). If you are arriving by car, there are parking spaces within the campus car parks. For directions follow this link: Finding Kedleston Road Campus, University of Derby


We are in the process of organising for the Student Union bar to be open after the conference in order to give everyone the opportunity to meet and have time for informal relaxed discussion (and a beer/orange juice). This will be confirmed shortly.