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We need the expertise of the Aegis Trust in the Central African Republic.

We really love to work hand in hand with the Aegis Trust for the experience they have given us. We really feel they have something that we have in common with them.

The Aegis Trust has helped Rwanda to rise from the Ashes. We have seen the result: Rwandan youth have understood the past that led them into darkness… It’s about time that our friends from Rwanda come and help us.

It is very important. This peace education must be put into the curriculum in South Sudan.

The experience of Aegis Trust in Rwanda, if well utilised, will bring peace to the entire continent.

We appreciate the understanding of the Aegis Trust. It has a broad understanding of the heart of the matter, and I think here, we’re already starting in-depth treatment towards resolving this crisis.

What has impressed me about Aegis Trust is, they’re not coming in as know-it-alls but involving the local people in a mutually participatory scheme of resolving the problem. And I think this is where their strength really is.

You know what? Aegis does a tremendous job. Please support them, so they can have more time for their valuable work…. We can take those lessons and spread them further over the World.